Robert M. Rozen Named Chair of the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing, New Board Broadens Representation

Arlington, VA (January 22, 2014) – Robert M. Rozen, Principal with Washington Council Ernst & Young, was unanimously named Chair of the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) commencing January 1, 2014. Rozen worked for many years in the U.S. Senate and was involved in the establishment of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program which is the primary means of financing affordable housing today. Three new Board members, Michael Geary, Geary O’Hara Family Foundation; Cecilia Cassidy, Rosslyn Business Improvement District (retired); and Patricia McGrady, long-time housing advocate, were unanimously elected each for a three-year term.

APAH is a nonprofit that develops, preserves, owns, and advocates quality rental housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income families and promotes opportunity for residents through partnerships and programs. APAH is celebrating its 25th year as the only nonprofit affordable housing developer working exclusively in Arlington County. Founded in 1989, APAH now helps 1000 households live in stable, secure and affordable rental homes. APAH was named Developer of the Year in 2011 by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND) and received the Prize for Innovation and Impact from the Arlington Community Foundation; in 2009 APAH received the HAND Innovation Award and in 2008 was named Best Nonprofit by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.


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