Columbia Pike in Line for 229 Affordable Apartments – February 5, 2015

Columbia Pike in Line for 229 Affordable Apartments – – February 5, 2015

Arlington, Va.—The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) is planning on building two eight-story apartment buildings near the western end of Columbia Pike.

APAH is planning on replacing a surface parking lot at 1010 S. Frederick Street with the two buildings, which will contain 229 units of committed affordable housing. All of the units will be affordable up to 60 percent of area median income, with some units as low as 40 percent AMI.

To replace the surface parking lot, a three-level underground garage will be built.

The development is on this month’s agenda for the county’s planning and housing commissions, and is expected to go before the Arlington County Board at its meetings later this month. The project would be one of the first of its kind to go before the County Board under the Columbia Pike neighborhoods form-based code, approved in 2013.

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