Live /liv/


1. remain alive.
2. make one’s home in a particular place or with a particular person.

When residents move into an apartment at one of APAH’s properties, the key that they are handed comes with more than just four walls and a roof. That key symbolizes the beginning of a new era in their life.

APAH resident services programming helps those who live at our properties grow their skills, knowledge, and capacity so their futures can be stable. Read more about this commitment to residents.

Resident Services

APAH provides eviction prevention assistance and programs that promote stability.


When families have a home they can afford, they can afford other basic needs.

Interest stories and recent news

Celebrating a Year of Inclusive Partnership

By Fredda Hurwitz, Board Member/Director, Strategic Marketing at Our Stomping Ground One-year anniversaries are traditionally celebrated with a paper-based gift. More recently, this important milestone has been reflected through the […]

Eight Months of Responding to COVID-19

While many of us are susceptible to feeling isolated as we head into the colder, darker months still practicing social distancing, our community reminds us that we are not alone. […]

Empowering Families with Ready to Learn Gift Cards

This year, the APAH resident services team is supporting residents to get “back to school” by supplying $50 gift cards for each child in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Although at […]

APAH families prepare to learn in new ways!

In a typical August, APAH’s resident services team would be delivering backpacks full of supplies to residents and preparing to resume our popular children’s programming for the school year.  This […]

Rising Uncertainty for Residents

“I have never, ever missed a rent payment… until now.” Every passing week, more residents express increasing levels of uncertainty. Like the rest of the nation, when non-essential businesses were […]

Despite Physical Distance, Connections Deepen

“It’s hard to believe we have passed the 100-day mark since the great COVID-19 pivot,” reflected Caroline Jones, APAH’s resident services director. With all in-person programming, except AFAC food distributions, […]

Mounting Resident Need

Disproportionately housebound and managing with insufficient resources, seniors at APAH properties are isolated with limited capacity to get what they need to stay physically and mentally healthy. Isolation, depression, and […]

Rent and the COVID Crisis: Finding the Win-Win

As calls for rent strikes echo across the country, APAH residents and staff are instead are collaborating toward a shared goal:  stable, affordable housing during and after the pandemic.  “We […]

COVID-19 Already Directly Impacting APAH Residents

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life in our community and all across the country. While everyone’s lifestyle is markedly affected as we band together to mitigate spreading the virus, […]

Residents Find Employment at APAH Winter Job Fair

In mid-February, APAH hosted the Winter Job Fair for APAH residents and the community at-large at Gilliam Place. Employers from across the DMV region including the MJ Morgan Group, Army […]